Why and how it works: Unaffiliated studies that back up the beats behind Study Tunes.

Northwestern Sleep-learning Study Read about learning during sleep, and how information in melodies is picked up subconsciously by your brain.

www.thelearningweb.net These eight steps are summarized from An introduction to The Music Revolution, by Dr. Jeannette Vos, co-author of the world's biggest-selling book in 1999,The Learning Revolution.

Hotz, Robert Lee. “Music Changes Links in Brain: Exposure to Melody Is Found to Have Effects on Neural Structure.” Austin American Statesman, World & Nation Section, December 13, 2002. http://www.eupsychia.com/perspectives/articles/musicbrain.html. This article denotes the patterns of neural activity and monitors the brainwaves of people listening to certain pieces of music.

Rose, Colin and Malcolm Nicholl. Accelerated Learning for the 21st Century. New York: Dell Publishing Co. 1998. This book depicts a proven method of applying music in the classroom to enhance learning.

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Supplemental Resources

Davidmann, Manfred. How the Human Brain Developed and How the Human Mind Works. Accessed July 4, 2004. http://www.solbaram.org/articles/humind.html. This article reminds us of the complex and well balanced way in which the brain is structured.

Davies, Mary Ann. “Learning...the Beat Goes On.” Journal of Childhood Education, Vol. 76, 2000.Questa. Accessed July 9, 2006. http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&se=gglsc&d=5002353759. This article provides a brief historical account of how music has been used to enhance learning.

Green, Michael. Music Intelligence Neural Development Institute. Irvine, CA: National Academy of Arts and Sciences. February 24, 1999. This article lends its impact to the position that music makes us smarter.

Boxill, Edith. Music Therapy for the Developmentally Disabled. Austin, Texas. Pro-ed publisher, 1985. This book addresses the disabled community with treatment options of music therapy.

Coen, Dorita and Allen Miller. “A Case for Music in the Schools.” Special Edition Magazine. In Phi Delta Kappan, Vol. 75, No. 6.Accessed February 13, 2006. http://www.tmea.org/027_Magazine/Special_Edition/caseformusic_r.htm. This article high-lights the basic arguments for the support of music education in all disciplines.

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